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2019 - Offshore Citizen

  As far as citizenship by investment programs go in the EU, there are only two official programs: Cyprus and Malta. Cyprus or Malta? For the Maltese program, you need to pay a lot of money, that you will never get back (650 000 EUR). By the time it’s all done you’ll be out for…

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In this particular video, we are not talking about Cypriot residents. Their situation with taxes is generally very good, so lots of times they don’t really need to go internationally in order to improve their situation. It’s the other way around – people come to Cyprus to set up a company in order to take…

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Foreign Earned Income Exclusion US tax laws are some of the strictest in the world. If you are a US citizen, then it does not matter where in the world you live. You must pay taxes on all your domestic and foreign income. The only way to stop paying taxes to the IRS is by…

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Why Delaware? If you’re an entrepreneur you probably notice that Delaware is a place where many people go to incorporate. Whenever I’m on Facebook reading posts and comments about forming a company many say that Delaware is the best option out there. Besides Delaware, Nevada, New Mexico, Florida, and Wyoming are among the most popular…

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  Where to go if you want to form a company abroad? Before we start pointing out which are the best places to form an offshore company it is important to note that there is no such thing as one place that will fit everyone. If someone is trying to sell you a particular place,…

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Tropical island or something else? When people think about the term offshore, the first picture that comes in mind is tropical, paradise island. They imagine secret bank accounts, hidden in unknown locations. They think of places such as the Cayman Islands, or the Bahamas. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. When we think…

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Spain- a beautiful country with high taxes Today we are in beautiful Marbella and we will be talking about taxes in Spain. Marbella is a tourist haven of Spain, one of the most attractive areas in Europe for retirement. It’s sunny and warm even in October and real estate is remarkably cheap, so it doesn’t…

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Strict tax authorities and high taxes It’s worth noting that German tax authorities are quite strict. Probably the most aggressive in the entire EU. If you are from Germany you must follow all the rules, otherwise, you will certainly run into problems.  On the surface, German taxes don’t seem that high. The standard tax rate…

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The O1 visa is non-resident visa offered by the US government to any individual (including any recognized expert) who demonstrates or possesses extraordinary ability in business, education, athletics, arts, sciences, or the motion picture or television industry. Such ability is often judged by any national or international recognition (international awards or prizes) that the individual…

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The E2 visa is an investor visa offered by the government of the United States of America. It allows the visa recipient to live and work in the US based on an investment that he/she has made in the US. It essentially allows the investor to operate and develop the business in which he/she has…

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