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services Archives - Offshore Citizen

Opportunities in Serbia Serbia is a country on the Balkan Peninsula, that has a little over 7 million people. Belgrade is the capital and the biggest city in the country.  Belgrade is also the cultural center of Serbia, and this impact goes even beyond the borders of the country. This is mostly reflected in popular…

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Today we will talk about what are trusts, how they work and which are benefits of using trusts. What is a trust? Trust is commonly confused as being a corporation. Trusts are not like corporations, they’re not legal entities per se. They are instruments, relationships between various parties. Historically, trusts come from the time of…

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An interesting blend of east and west Estonia is an interesting country! It is a former Soviet block country on the coast of the Baltic sea which connects it to neighboring Finland.  It is quite different from other countries that shared the unfortunate communist past. Estonia, back at the time had Western media. The Soviet…

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International tax planning for Italians    Any time we look at international tax planning we want to pay attention to the three pillars of residency:    -Residency of the company. You will want to have a company that’s outside of the country in order to decrease the amount of tax paid.   Italy’s base tax rate…

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Opportunities in Georgia (country)  Georgia is quite an interesting place. Even though it might not be the most refined country in the world, there are lots of advantages for doing business here.  This a business–friendly environment, banking is very good and sophisticated and forming a company is not complicated. You only pay tax on distributions,…

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Things to consider when buying a second passport We all know that buying second citizenship is not an easy decision to make. You probably did lots and lots of research before taking any action. There is lots of data out there about this topic, however, some of it is outdated and not valid anymore. Some…

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Trust – a smart tool for asset protection & more You may have heard of trust companies when discussing estate planning or inheritance. You might have heard wealthy people talk about trust companies managing their assets, or watched movies where heirs of a wealthy individual deal with trusts to get their rightful share of inheritance…

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Offshore banking is whereby an individual or company deposit funds in a bank that is situated in a place outside their country of residence. Other people define offshore banking as the act of depositing hard currency in a bank  that is located in a country that is not their home of residence, usually for safekeeping…

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Definition Citizenship refers to the status of being a citizen of a particular country as per the laws of that country. A person who holds dual citizenship is considered to be a citizen of two countries at the same time. Dual citizenship can be acquired through several ways including by birth, by marriage, by investment…

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